Affiliated Commissions

Affiliated Commissions

It occasionally happens that an international committee or organisation of physicists decides to join with the Commissions of IUPAP. It may do so as a specialised Commission, in which case its organisation and administration follow the pattern of the others and it may receive sponsorship and grants for its international conferences. If its own administrative structure is well developed, it may become instead an Affiliated Commission. Such Commissions may have their own members and dues structures, statutes and assemblies. They endorse and assist in implementing IUPAP principles concerning, for example, the free circulation of scientists and participate in joint activities. IUPAP delegates members to the governing board or council, and approves the constitution or statutes. Affiliated Commissions report their activities to the IUPAP General Assemblies, and their financial statements to the Executive Council.

Physicists interested in the activities of Affiliated Commissions are invited to contact the Affiliated Commission’s Secretary directly with copy to the Secretary General of IUPAP for information.