IU10 Report
Report to the 2002 IUPAP General Assembly
SCOSTEP (Scientific Committee on Sun-Terestial Physics) is at present completing the following four programs.
- S-RAMP (STEP-Results, Applications and Modeling Phase).
This program conducts integrated analysis and modeling campaigns. In 2000 a conference was organized in Saporo, Japan, where results up to then were reported.
- EPIC (Equatorial Processes Including Coupling).
This program concentrated on middle atmosphere science involving nations around the equator. Results are reported in different conferences. Also summer schools were organized with scholarships to scientists from developing equatorial countries.
- PSMOS (Planetary Scale Mesopause Observing System).
This program seeks to extend our understanding of global dynamical processes in the atmosphere. Results are reported in Rio de Janeiro the end of September 2002.
- ISCS (International Solar Cycle Study).
This program is concentrated on solar energy flux study, solar magnetic field variability study, solar emissions and conducts a panel for environmental applications.
All these programs end in 2002. A long range planning commission has developed a proposal for a new comprehensive international SCOSTEP program, CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun Earth System) for the years 2003-2007. This proposal is now being discussed and will be subject of approval at the next SCOSTEP bureau meeting in Rio de Janeiro.
Details of all achievements and proposals can be found on the SCOSTEP web page.
Frans W. Sluijter, representative of IUPAP on the Bureau of SCOSTEP
August 28, 2002