C17: Members

C17: Members


Chair: Tsuneyuki Ozaki (2014) (2017)
Email: ozaki@emt.inrs.ca

Vice-Chair: Qihuang Gong (2011) (2014) (2017)
Email: qhgong@pku.edu.cn

Secretary: Roberto Pini (2014) (2017)
Email: roberto.pini@cnr.it


Parinda Vasa (2017)
Email: parinda@iitb.ac.in

Ci-Ling Pan (2011) (2017)
Email: clpan@phys.nthu.edu.tw

Arkadiusz Wójs (2014) (2017)
Email: arkadiusz.wojs@pwr.edu.pl

Yoshiro Takahashi (2017)
Email: yitk@scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Alexey Kalachev (2017)
Email: a.a.kalachev@mail.ru

Kevin F. MacDonald (2017)
Email: kfm@orc.soton.ac.uk

Andre Luiten (2017)
Email: andre.luiten@adelaide.edu.au

Kai-Mei Camilla Fu (2017)
Email: kaimeifu@uw.edu

M. Cather Simpson (2017)
Email: c.simpson@auckland.ac.nz

Gintaras Valušis (2017)
Email: gintaras.valusis@ftmc.lt

Kathy Lüdge (2017)
Email: kathy.luedge@tu-berlin.de


Associate Members 2018-2021

Nicholas P. Bigelow (APS/OSA/IEEE JCQE)
Email: nbig@lle.rochester.edu

John Harvey (New Zealand)
Email: j.harvey@auckland.ac.nz

John DUDLEY (France) representing the  IYL legacy
Email:  john.dudley@univ-fcomte.fr


Officers/Members of C17:


Please send updated information and corrections to the IUPAP Administrator.