C18: Mandate

C18: Mandate

Article 1

To promote the exchange of information and views among the members of the international scientific community in the general field of Mathematical studies of problems originating in or relevant to Physics, including:

  1. mathematical models of physical systems;
  2. mathematical aspects of physical theories;
  3. computational techniques.

Article 2

To recommend for Union sponsorship international conferences which qualify for support under Union regulations.

To initiate such conferences as their need arises from the evolution of the Commission field.

To assist in the organization of such conferences when practical. To ensure the compatibility of international conferences in its field and to discourage clashes and incompatibility of dates.

Article 3

To promote the free circulation of scientists; to assist conference organizers in ensuring such free circulation and in resolving potential infringements.

Article 4

To organize where feasible the award of medals or other testimonials of excellence in its field.

Article 5

To publish where feasible newsletters, circulars, occasional books, journals or handbooks in its area.

Article 6

To maintain liaison with other IUPAP Commissions, with the Commissions or Committees of other Unions or of the International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) or other scientific organizations, with a view to collaborating and cooperating in sponsoring joint conferences and to participating in joint projects when need arises.

In particular to maintain close liaison with the General Commissions of IUPAP (SUNAMCO, Physics Education and Development), so as to ensure suitable input from its field into these physics-wide activities.

Article 7

To make available to each General Assembly of the Union a summary of activities and progress in its field since the previous Assembly.



Mathematics is a primary language of physics and mathematical physicists should be the most able to communicate effectively in this language. Moreover, mathematical physics is a subfield of physics that straddles every other subfield. Its practitioners are therefore especially equipped to relate the ideas that emerge from the many subfields and should be among the most influential in the development of physical theory.

The Commission’s primary objectives are to champion the cause of Mathematical Physics, enhance its status in the physics community, support IAMP, and promote interdisciplinary activities between mathematicians and physicists.

The Commission endeavours to achieve its objectives by promoting effective and wide range communication between mathematicians and physicists primarily through international conferences. Because mathematical physics comprises a huge range of subject matter, it is inevitable that the discipline should separate into narrow subfields. Conferences and workshops can and should provides sessions in which the experts can discuss the problems and advances at the frontiers of their fields. However, such sessions are rarely useful to a newcomer to the field or experts in other areas. The Commission is therefore most interested in supporting international conferences which provide plenary sessions that are meaningful and stimulating to the widest range of participants with the widest range of backgrounds. The inclusion of tutorial sessions for novices and young persons is also much encouraged.


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