In the present circumstances, IUPAP had to take an immediate decision regarding the 30th General Assembly, which was to be held in Beijing in October 2020. Although many countries are beginning to relax their restrictions, it is likely that those on international travel will be among the last to be loosened, making it very unlikely that it would be possible to hold the 30th General Assembly in October 2020 in our usual format. Because informal discussions during meeting breaks are a key part in the working of the General Assembly, so it was felt that a postponed face-to-face General Assembly was preferable to an on-time video/tele General Assembly.
The Chinese Physical Society agreed to host the meeting a year later, and Executive Council resolved to postpone the 30th General Assembly to 20th to 22nd October 2021. However, this will be the first time since the 6th General Assembly in Amsterdam in 1948 that the interval between General Assemblies has not been 3 years. For that reason, the Executive Council requested that the Members of IUPAP be asked to confirm the Resolution by email. This process concluded on 28th May 2020 and the Executive Council Resolution has been confirmed. Over 90% of the possible votes were received and all were in support of the decision. We will be postponing the 30th General Assembly for about 1 year. This decision has many implications for our operations, and IUPAP members, for members of the executive council and of commissions, and for the members of Working Groups. All of these people will receive detailed information of how we propose to manage these implications and what is now asked of them. In outline
· Membership of many of these bodies goes from General Assembly to General Assembly, and so the present members will stay in position for an additional year.
· In agreement with the By Laws, nominations for the Executive Council and Commissions will be opened on or before 20th March 2021, and nominations made by IUPAP members should be received no later than 20th May 2021.