The International School on Ultra-Intense Lasers

The International School on Ultra-Intense Lasers


The International School on Ultra-Intense Lasers will be held at the Hotel@Resort “Yunost”, 40 km from Moscow, Russia, from 4 to 9 October, 2015.


The School is organized by the International Committee on Ultra-Intense Lasers (ICUIL), the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS), the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI and the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIIEF.

The School is primarily aimed at providing postgraduate students and other early career researchers working in ultra-intense laser science with a thorough pedagogical grounding in high power laser physics, laser-matter interaction physics, laser-plasma accelerators, laser-based x-ray sources and inertial confinement fusion.

The lectures will be given by distinguished experts in the field representing world leading research centers from around the world.

Participation in the School, including board and lodging, is free for listeners coming by recommendation of universities and research centers. Travel expenses are to be borne by the participants.  The number of available places is however limited and the registration will be open until the limit will be reached.

Information of the School and registration forms are available on the web site at:

The program includes the following lecture courses:


Sergey Belkov, RFNC-VNIIEF, Russia: Problems of laser fusion

Dimitrios Charalambidis, The Univ. of Crete, FORTH-IESL, Greece; ELI-ALPS: Attosecond science

Eric Cornier, CELIA, France:

Part 1: Metrology of ultrashort laser pulses: Femtosecond time scales

Part 2: Metrology of ultrashort laser pulses: Attosecond time scales

Julien Fuchs, LULI, France: Laboratory astrophysics with ultra intense lasers

Mikhail Kalashnikov, ELI-HU, Hungary: CPA at petawatt level

Igor Kostyukov, IAP RAS, Russia: Electron acceleration with ultra-intense lasers

Thomas Kuehl, GSI, Germany: At the interface between ultra-intense lasers and nuclear and high-energy physics

Gérard Mourou, Ecole Polytechnique, IZEST, France: Horizons of exa-zepto physics

Nikolay Narozhny, MEPhI, Russia: Extreme light physics

Alexander Pukhov, University of Duesseldorf, Germany: Particle-in-cell codes for plasma-based particle acceleration

High intensity laser interaction with solid density targets: novel sources of x rays and energetic ions

Vladimir Tikhonchuk, CELIA, France: Physics of laser-plasma interaction in application to ICF



Sergey Belkov (VNIIEF)

Nikolay Narozhny (MEPhI)

Alexander Sergeev (IAP RAS)

Toshiki Tajima (ICUIL)


Scientific Secretary:

Artem Korzhimanov



If you are interested in participating in this school please register here.


The deadline for registration is September 10, 2015