Conference Report Form

Conference Report Form

    1. Fill in the blanks below.
    2. When you submit this form using the button below, copies will be sent to the Chair, Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Commission you have selected under “Name of IUPAP Commission”, as well as to the Associate Secretary General and to the IUPAP Office.
    3. Please note that all Type D conference (workshop in developing countries) must select C13 as “Name of IUPAP Commission”.
    4. Then press the submit button at the bottom of the form to have your report sent.
  • 1. Basic Information

  • Conference title *
  • Location

  • 2. Please enter the number of:

  • 3. Please provide :

  • 4. Travel assistance

  • 5. Additional information

  • Please note that all Type D conference (workshop in developing countries) must select C13 as “Name of IUPAP Commission”.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.